为了提升对中国本土客户的服务质量,穆尔电子中国开展线上全国培训,提升售前服务水平,为客户提供更全面、更优质的服务。In order to improve the quality of service to local Chinese customers, Murrelektronik China holded online national training…
穆尔电子始终保持着敏锐的创新力。来自德国Oppenweiler的全球经营的家族企业穆尔电子获得了恰如其分的赞誉。穆尔电子这家自动化工程专业公司在100强创新大赛中名列前茅。6月28日,著名科学家和电视节目主持人Ranga Yogeshwar在法兰克福百年纪念堂以导师的身份为穆尔电子颁发了该奖项。 Murrelektronik has an…
Murrelektronik has an intuitive feel for innovation. The global player and family-run company from Oppenweiler received a fitting accolade. The automation engineering specialist…
Murrelektronik has opened its new research and development center at its company headquarters in Oppenweiler, a town outside of Stuttgart, Germany. The area of 3754,38 m²…
The Tettnang Electronics College focuses on practical, real-world applications. The newly opened iLearningFactory 4.0 is an entire production chain for packing plastic chips and is…
Our Murrelektronik van has been on tour in Europe. We’ve visited many customers in the Czech Republic, Austria, Germany, Switzerland and even Finland, in northern Europe.