一月 25, 2024
在工业自动化领域,技术的进步与革新从未停止。随着工业4.0的推进,越来越多的企业开始意识到,传统的PROFIBUS协议已经无法满足现代生产的需求。为了在激烈的市场竞争中保持领先地位,企业需要寻求更加高效、稳定和开放的总线协议。 针对客户现场的应用需求和挑战,借助穆尔电子Cube67系列,可轻松实现从PROFIBUS到PROFINET协议的完美升级。

Tackling challenges and shaping the future: These are Murrelektronik’s LogiMAT highlights
Increasingly complex applications, rising cost pressure, more and more lack of skilled workers and the growing importance of sustainability and modularity: Using several exemplary…
Tackling challenges and shaping the future: These are Murrelektronik’s SPS highlights
Increasingly complex applications, rising cost pressure, more and more lack of skilled workers and the growing importance of sustainability and modularity: Using several exemplary…
Excellent idea
There is no way around the digital transformation of industry. And Murrelektronik is making it as easy as possible with its unique Vario-X system. This integrated system for the…