十一月 3, 2023
展会快报 | 穆尔电子亮相德国纽伦堡自动化展SPS 2023
SPS展作为欧洲自动化系统及元器件领域的顶级盛会,将于2023年11月14日至16日在德国纽伦堡展览中心盛大举行。 自动化领域面临着巨大而快速的转型浪潮。这些挑战包括:如何保持创新和可持续性的平衡?如何将模拟技术与数字技术集成?如何创建一个无缝、强大且可持续发展的系统架构?
Tackling challenges and shaping the future: These are Murrelektronik’s SPS highlights
Increasingly complex applications, rising cost pressure, more and more lack of skilled workers and the growing importance of sustainability and modularity: Using several exemplary…
With joined forces - Murrelektronik and igus enter strategic alliance
Murrelektronik, the leading company in decentralized electrical automation technology, and igus, market leader for energy chains and a specialist for lubrication-free,…
Excellent idea
There is no way around the digital transformation of industry. And Murrelektronik is making it as easy as possible with its unique Vario-X system. This integrated system for the…