一月 5, 2024
新年寄语 | 创新共进 深入本土
新年快乐! 回顾2023年,是充满挑战的一年,但是穆尔电子中国依然克服重重困难,取得了不菲的成绩。在这个一元初始,万物更新的时节,我想对我们的整个团队以及合作伙伴表达最诚挚的感谢! 自从2021年加入这个大家庭以来,我们一起见证了公司的成长与变革。感谢穆尔电子每一位在过去一年中的不懈努力和贡献,尤其是在面对不确定性和快速变化的市场环境时仍能保持坚定和专注。
Tackling challenges and shaping the future: These are Murrelektronik’s SPS highlights
Increasingly complex applications, rising cost pressure, more and more lack of skilled workers and the growing importance of sustainability and modularity: Using several exemplary…
Excellent idea
There is no way around the digital transformation of industry. And Murrelektronik is making it as easy as possible with its unique Vario-X system. This integrated system for the…
„Courage to innovate leads to economic success“
Leading SMEs in their sectors, such as the automation specialist Murrelektronik, form the backbone of the German economy. During a visit to the company, Baden-Württemberg's…