二月 24, 2023
21届工控网 CAIMRS 数字化创新奖 | 穆尔电子Vario-X 一站式数字化解决方案
穆尔电子新品 "VARIO-X "自动化系统荣获 "中国工控网2022-2023 自动化及数字化年度评选的【数字化创新奖】!于工控网举办的“CAIMRS暨数智化领袖论坛”上隆重发布奖项。 全新 "VARIO-X "自动化系得到了工控网、业内评委、网络用户的一致认可。未来,穆尔电子不断探究自动化的本质,推动其进一步发展,从而协助我们的客户加速数字化转型。
With joined forces - Murrelektronik and igus enter strategic alliance
Murrelektronik, the leading company in decentralized electrical automation technology, and igus, market leader for energy chains and a specialist for lubrication-free,…
Tackling challenges and shaping the future: These are Murrelektronik’s SPS highlights
Increasingly complex applications, rising cost pressure, more and more lack of skilled workers and the growing importance of sustainability and modularity: Using several exemplary…
Excellent idea
There is no way around the digital transformation of industry. And Murrelektronik is making it as easy as possible with its unique Vario-X system. This integrated system for the…